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York County Marine
Your online boat dealer!
We specialize in Pre-Owned Boston Whalers.
We sell boats all over the country and internationally as well!
First, thank you for visiting our website!
Most of you that are following us know that we permanently closed our yard to the public at the beginning of Covid 19, completely restructuring our business model, and growing by leaps and bounds along the way!
All of our boats are sold through videos, photographs and phone conversations.
All of our boats are professionally delivered - anywhere in the United States, with international shipping possible.
We encourage calls between 10am and 7pm EST.
While our inventory at York County Marine changes rapidly, we try to keep our website and our Facebook page as up to date as time allows.
Please keep in mind our "I.T." department is comprised of one orange cat and the gray haired dude you see doing sea trials.
While we know that some of you avoid social media (and we certainly understand), our Facebook Business Page is where we post boats, videos, photos, cool stories and other interesting boat related stuff daily!
A recent stat claims 1.9 billion people visit Facebook everyday, that translates to a lot of business...
If you're on Facebook, please take the time to follow York County Marine's page- we currently have over 10,000 folks following YCM on social media alone!
YCM a different kind of boat dealer

York Count Marine - The online boat dealer
*York County Marine is a 100% online operation, all of our boats are professionally delivered, anywhere in the United States with international shipping possible.
*All York County Marine boats are checked over by a marine mechanic prior to professional delivery.
*All York County Marine boats are thoroughly sea trialed prior to professional delivery.
Give us a call with questions anytime between 10am and 7pm EST
YCM a different kind of boat dealer
Our website is not designed for those in a hurry
- so slow down, read the posts, enjoy the blogs, watch the videos & get to know us.
YCM a different kind of boat dealer

Made in the USA -
Some of the great companies YCM is affiliated with!

Top left corner -just click on "INVENTORY"
We've ALWAYS got a bunch of Whalers!
In the YCM Pipeline!

2000 Boston Whaler Outrage 18!
Spring’s right around the corner, and we’re beefing up our Pre-Owned Boston Whaler inventory!
Introduced in 1999, the Outrage 18 was/is the biggest, best riding, best equipped, and most overbuilt 18 foot center console Boston Whaler ever produced for the masses.
This is essentially a scaled down version of the 21 and 23 foot Outrages of the time, complete with Whaler’s beloved Accutrack hull, and designed from the keel up to be a compact, big water, serious fishing center console.
These huge 18 footers came standard with an equally huge 90 gallon below deck fuel tank, two rear seats, two large, in the floor fish boxes, raw water wash down, rod holders, cup holders, hydraulic steering with tilt wheel, molded swim platforms, a true self bailing cockpit with scuppers, etc, etc!
The production run was however a short one, just two years -1999 and 2000.
This exceptional eighteen footer simply proved too expensive to build, and often got lost in Boston Whaler's overly bloated millennial line up.
There were at the time a whopping seventeen models ≦23’, eight of which were center consoles.
More often than not, new boat buyers opted for the jump up to the larger 21 Outrage, or down to the less expensive 18 Dauntless.
Some of her big boat stats…
18’4” LOA
8’3” Beam
2,500 lbs dry - that’s w/out motor!
Rated for 200 hp, and up to 8 people.
Ours has the factory Stainless Steel Bimini Top, Stainless Steel Reversible Pilots Seat, Bow Rail, and regularly serviced Mercury 135 Opti-Max.
Galvanized Trailer also included.
We’ll read the hours when she arrives, and we’ll have her priced soon as well.
Give us a call if interested!
YCM a different kind of boat dealer
All York County Marine boats are professionally delivered - anywhere in the United States with international shipping possible.
All York County Marine boats are checked over by a marine mechanic prior to professional delivery.
All York County Marine boats are thoroughly sea trialed prior to professional delivery.

In the YCM Pipeline!
2010 Boston Whaler 110 Sport!
These little eleven footers were built as high-end tenders for discerning yacht owners preferring solid and unsinkable over inflatable and flimsy.
Affectionately dubbed “the bathtub” these glossy white compact Whalers are super stable, have high sides and completely flat decks.
The 110 is a wider, heavier boat, providing a more stable and safe platform than the classic 9 and 11 foot Whalers of the past.
You know who else loves these little Whalers? - Grandparents!
We’ve sold several 110s over the years, and all over the country to super excited grandpas, and grandmas looking forward to boating with the grand-kiddos.
High sides, flat decks, super stable and unsinkable tends to resonate with the grandparents!
The all-fiberglass interior means low maintenance, have fun, hose it off and go.
The big, wide fiberglass benches are finished with a non-skid, no slip pattern, ours comes with the factory bench cushions as well.
There’s an anchor/storage locker in the bow just like on the bigger Whalers, also finished with non-skid.
The self bailing cockpit means - no bilge pump needed, just pull the plug.
Leaving her on a mooring? Just leave the plug out!
She’ll fit in any garage, can be towed by anything with a hitch, and would look great on your jet ski lift.
Unfortunately Boston Whaler stopped production of the 110 Sport and 110 Tender during the pandemic.
The demand, and the money was in bigger boats. They sell every boat they can produce, and the big stuff is way way more profitable - bummer.
So - If you don’t want an inflatable dinghy, or if you simply want a smaller Whaler, you're going to have to shop the used market -and these little 11s tend to get scooped up fast by the big boat guys.
Ours is in pretty close to perfect condition, we’ll have more photos and details soon - including hours and pricing.
Here’s what we can tell you about ours so far…
-Condition is pretty much perfect.
-Hours are low and will be read upon arrival.
-Has Galvanized Trailer with folding tongue - so easy garage fit.
-Factory Bench Cushions.
-Factory Wrap-Around Bow Rail for added safety.
-Bimini Top.
-Navigation Lights.
-Mercury 25 horsepower (max hp) Four Stroke with Fuel Injection, Electric Start and Power Trim and Tilt - super quiet, super reliable, super fuel efficient.
-Garage Kept
-All Original Owners Manuals in the Original Boston Whaler Red Pouch.
All York County Marine boats are professionally delivered - anywhere in the United States with international shipping possible.
All York County Marine boats are checked over by a marine mechanic prior to professional delivery.
All York County Marine boats are thoroughly sea trialed prior to professional delivery.
BTW - We also have two Boston Whaler 110 Tiller models available - see inventory.
As always - We buy Boston Whalers everyday, all over the country - Safe, Simple, Professional.
You don’t have to deal with the public. Just give us a call, and we’ll send the truck!
YCM a different kind of boat dealer

There goes our Super Cool 1989 Boston Whaler Mischief!
She’s heading to beautiful Easton Maryland, a small, waterfront town on Maryland’s Eastern Shore -known for it’s culture, charm, boating, seafood, and history.
She’ll live in a large warehouse amongst a collection of other classic Whalers.
As most of you know, Boston Whaler folks can be a bit eccentric -our 15’ Mischief’s new owner, for example has a Classic 13’ Boston Whaler, complete with Johnson 25 horsepower two stoke hanging from his office ceiling.
Technically, I guess you’d say she’s upside-down, that is, you’re looking up into that classic Whaler blue interior.
There are ceiling lights built into the highly varnished mahogany benches and anchor hatch, shining down to illuminate his office.
He refers to this as a Boston Whaler chandelier -now that’s pretty cool.
Speaking of cool, look at that Mischief! She’ll be a nice add to the collection!
YCM a different kind of boat dealer.
In The YCM Pipeline!

Sooo - on the same day that our 2017 Light Blue Boston Whaler 170 Dauntless sold, we agreed to broker this one owner, extremely low hour, 2021 Glacier Green 170 Dauntless!
She has all the good stuff. -and no bottom paint!
More details to follow/reach out w/questions, etc, etc...
YCM a different kind of boat dealer

We may have that exact Whaler sitting around, or coming in.
We're always looking for nice Whalers, and we talk to owners interested in selling everyday.​
So, if you're interested in buying a Boston Whaler, give us a call.
Or - if you're interested in selling a Boston Whaler - AND you want the easiest and safest boat sale of your life - give York County Marine a call!
Available by phone everyday between 10am and 7pm EST (757) 329-9979
or email YCM @ yorkcountymarine@gmail.com
YCM a different kind of boat dealer
Looking for a particular Boston Whaler?
Our 170 Dauntless has arrived!
She's gorgeous, she has 212 hours, she's $35k, a she's garnering quite a bit of interest!
Give us a call if you'd like to discuss!
All York County Marine boats are professionally delivered - anywhere in the United States, with international shipping possible.
All York County Marine boats are checked over by a marine mechanic prior to delivery.
All York County Marine boats are thoroughly sea trialed prior to delivery.
YCM a different kind of boat dealer

In The YCM Pipeline!

2017 Boston Whaler 170 Dauntless
-In beautiful “Boston Whaler Light Blue”!
The 170 Dauntless was designed to be a higher-end, more family friendly and versatile alternative to the 170 Montauk, with fishing, water sports, and comfortable cruising in mind.
While the Montauk and Dauntless are keel-up different boats, there are three big reasons some folks loved the Dauntless more.
1- Rear Seats
2- 35 Gallon Internal Fuel Tank
3- Optional 115 horsepower Motor.
Ours has the optional 115, so she’s fast, with plenty of power for wakeboarding skiing, or pulling grandkids on the tube.
All gassed up she weighs about 2,300 lbs, so you don’t need to buy a big truck to get her to the ramp.
The trailer has a folding tongue, so theres a good chance she’ll fit in the garage.
Ours has the comfort package with large bow cushion, cooler seat cushion, and backrest cushion.
Those rear seats fold flat, creating a casting platform for anglers.
There are 6 strategically placed cupholders, and several rod holders thought out the boat.
There are two coolers, one in front of the console, the other on slides, under the reversible pilots seat.
She also has the optional Split Bow Rail - these are really great!
You get the safety of a wrap-around bow rail, but with an opening in the front -this makes boarding from the bow, hoping off at the sandbar, working the anchor, or pulling in fish much easer.
Nothing aftermarket has been added to this boat!
No holes drilled, no “as seen on TV” plastic accessories, no custom glow in the dark speakers, or flashing LED lights, no trolling motors, or purse holders.
There is also no bottom paint - just like she was on the showroom floor.
What else…
Factory Swim Platform and Ladder, Factory Bimini Top, Factory Console and Reversible Pilots Seat Cover.
The 170 Dauntless was introduced in 2013, and ran until 2021.
Why is such a great boat no longer offered?
Once the all new 170 Montauk arrived 2018, with...
1- Rear seats
2- 25 gallon internal fuel tank
3- 115 hp option
it became apparent that the two models were competing against each other for the same floor space and sale.
Then came the pandemic, with increased demand, but shortages in materials, and (ongoing shortages in labor).
While disappointing, but it made sense to consolidate.
We often get calls for these 170 Dauntlesses, they are fantastic, high quality, great riding, all around 17 footers, and they rarely show up on the market.
She’s coming to YCM from a freshwater lake in Western VA, we’ll post more pics, and check the hours then. (Believed to be 200+/- hours).
We’ll have her priced soon too! UPDATE SHE'S AVAILABLE FOR $35K
I suspect she’ll be a hot ticket, so please call us now if you’re interested.
All York County Marine boats are professionally delivered - anywhere in the United States, with international shipping possible.
All York County Marine boats are checked over by a marine mechanic prior to delivery.
All York County Marine boats are thoroughly sea trialed prior to delivery.
YCM a different kind of boat dealer

Not seen in pics, but included - Factory Bimini Top

Not seen in pics, but included - Factory Bow Cushion

We love getting all the manuals, and the Boston Whaler Red Pouch, - and both keys!
This pic is from BW, showing the rear folding seats. Our seat cushions are the newer tan color.

A few specs...
More to follow!
YCM a different kind of boat dealer

Boston Whaler 150 Sport

2004 Boston Whaler 150 Sport.
We’ve had this one sitting around on the back burner for quite a while, she’s a freshwater boat from upstate New York, powered by the original Mercury 60 hp two stroke - carbureted, oil injected, electric start, power trim/tilt - and she’s avoided bottom paint for two decades!
We’re big fans of the 150 Sport, introduced in 2003, this is the long anticipated replacement for the much loved Classic 15, a staple in the Whaler lineup since 1975.
A quick comparison of the two…
Both are sit down, side console, both self bailing, neither can sink.
150 Sport - Length over all is 15’ 5”, beam is 6’ 6”, tilts the scales @ 900 lbs (boat only), rated for 6 people, with a max horsepower of 60.
Classic 15 - 2” shorter, 10” narrower, about 270 lbs lighter - rated for 1 less occupant, but with a max hp of 70.
The 150 offers a more comfortable, predictable and dryer ride, higher sides, more stability, and completely flat floor.
All this makes for a more practical, and an all around better boat -but not necessarily a more fun boat -that Classic 15 with a 70 wins in the fun category!
The 150 Sport was replaced by an all new 150 Super Sport in 2009, and eventually discontinued in 2018 along with the 170 Super Sport in favor of the current 160 Super Sport - that’s a lot of talking/writing/reading - but all good stuff -and YCM has at least one of each these 15 Footers in our current inventory!
Anyway, this one will be 15k with trailer, we'll have her serviced, sea tailed, etc soon, so give us a call if you want her.
More pics to follow.
BTW - there is a YCM side by side walk-around video comparison of the 150 Sport and Classic 15 Super Sport out there on the world wide web, it shouldn’t be too hard to find.
All York County Marine boats are professionally delivered - anywhere in the United States, with international shipping possible.
All York County Marine boats are checked over by a marine mechanic prior to delivery
All York County Marine boats are thoroughly sea trialed prior to delivery.
YCM a different kind of boat dealer

We’re a chilly 18 degrees here @ YCM this morning, but we’ll be in the 40s in just a few hours -and then it’s a mere 63 days ‘till spring!
If you’re looking for a Boston Whaler, give us a call!
If you want to sell your Whaler, give use call!
YCM a different kind of boat dealer
Our Inventory is always @ the top of the page
- here's some of our Boston Whalers...

The '86 Montauk has arrived @ YCM!

**We've usually got an extra copy of "Unsinkable if you're looking for one!**
YCM Christmas Gift Idea #2

Our 2nd Christmas Sale item is Matthew Plunkett’s out of print, impossible to find, and always in high demand UNSINKABLE!
The ultimate guide to Boston Whaler’s history.
This a great read, and the perfect Christmas gift for any Boston Whaler fan, and it looks fantastic on any coffee table!
Unsinkable was released in 2017, with timing to coincide with Boston Whaler’s 2018 60th Anniversary.
Word got out to Whaler fans all over the world, and it sold out somewhere around 2020.
Originally retailing for $35, these books are sometimes seen on ebay for as much as $900!
I’m offering one, new, unread, hardbound copy for $300, plus $10 for domestic shipping.
International shipping is offered on an actual cost basis -or pick up in Williamsburg, Va anytime.
’ve got another copy, that I may consider selling as well -don’t want to thin the herd by too much!
As with most of our Christmas and specialty sales, we will donate a percentage of the proceeds to one of our favorite charitable causes, in this case Break Through T1D (formerly called The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation), which funds research for new treatments and the eventual cure of type 1 diabetes.
Give us a call if interested!
YCM a different kind of boat dealer
Limited Edition BOSTON WHALER 40th Anniversary Lithograph - Signed & Numbered

We’re going to make a few Boston Whaler related items available in time for Christmas.
The first item on our 2024 Christmas list is this very rare, limited edition, signed and numbered Boston Whaler lithograph print, double matted and framed.
These were commissioned by Boston Whaler in 1998 to celebrate Boston Whaler's 40th Anniversary.
The first 250 of 387 signed and numbered prints were to be given to those who purchased Boston Whaler’s 40th Anniversary 13’ Sport, which was also also limited edition and numbered. These were really cool throwback classic 13 footers with gorgeous blue interiors.
So, if you bought hull # 100, you received print # 100, etc.
Ours print is #187 of 387, which would have coincided with hull # 187.
While hull # 187 was long ago sold, the owner kept the lithograph, his kids later inherited it, eventually selling to YCM.
These prints were also given out at dealer meetings and events in 1998. Most it seems, disappeared along the way, they are now very hard to find, and rarely show up for sale.
The artist commissioned by Boston Whaler was the late Ralf Dunagan, a well known newspaper cartoonist (two time finalist for the Pulitzer Prize), and talented water color artist.
Dunagan actually did a few paintings over the years for Boston Whaler, depicting various classic models, all with a light, loose-wash watercolor technique.
His connection to Whaler was through his daughter Terry, who was the VP of Marketing from 1994-2006.
Framed demotions are 34 1/4 x 26 inches.
Additional pics are available.
We’ll take it off the office wall for $995,
Pick up anytime in Williamsburg, Virginia, or we can have it packed and shipped on your dime.
As with most of our Christmas and specialty sales, we will donate a percentage of the proceeds to one of our favorite charitable causes, in this case Break Through T1D (formerly called The Juvenile Diabetes Foundation), which funds research for new treatments and the eventual cure of type 1 diabetes.
Give us a call if interested!
YCM a different kind of boat dealer

In The YCM Pipeline!

We’ve got a gorgeous 1986 Boston Whaler Montauk arriving @ YCM in a just few days!
She was re-powered in August of 2022 with a brand new Suzuki 90 hp Fuel Injected Four Stroke! - Now with just 44 hours on the clock!
She’s perched on a new in 2021 Vantage Aluminum Trailer, also in excellent condition!
This is one of those “too much new to list” kinda boats!
New Wiring, Steering, Moeller 22 Gallon Fuel Tank, Battery, Garmin UHD 90 Chartplotter/Fishfinder (NMEA 2000 to the Suzuki), Ritchie Compass, Noco Charger, etc, etc, etc…
She also has the original Boston Whaler removable bow mounted Casting Chair - that’s a pretty rare find, and worth several hundred bucks if you don’t want it!
The teak was recently refinished with 5 coats of Captain’s Varnish, and also looks fantastic.
WM. J. Mill’s Mooring Cover and Bimini Top also included.
And - No Bottom Paint!
She’ll be offered @ $25k. More photos available!
Give us a call if interested!
YCM a different kind of boat dealer

Here comes Santa Claus...

Lis sent us this happy little video of her YCM Whaler arriving in Schwenksville, PA yesterday!
Santa, assisted by Coastal Transport & Hauling was well fed, and left with two dozen homemade lemon muffins, a Lis specialty. 🙂
YCM a different kind of boat dealer
Wahoo! 14.4 Side Console

Wahoo! 14.4 Side Console LTD
Yes, we do occasionally take trade-ins, and we do occasionally buy boats that aren’t Boston Whalers -and in this case one that may even ruffle the feathers of purists…
When Lis from PA recently purchased a YCM 170 Montauk, she asked if we’d be interested in her Wahoo! (exclamation point part of the name/logo, as opposed to any actual shock at the question!)
While there are haters out there -this is after all, a brand that was designed to compete directly with BW, which some may say has a bit of a fanatical following, and while they did certainly “borrow” some ideas from BW -they were well built boats with innovative ideas of their own!
So why not? It’s not like you never see a used Chevy at the local Ford dealer.
Their short story goes something like this -
Back in the 1980’s Ray Curry, the owner of Richmond, Virginia Boston Whaler dealer “Reliance Marine” had a falling out with Boston Whaler.
I’m not sure what happened exactly, but having been a manufacturer's rep in an unrelated industry, working with independently owned dealers -the issues are generally territorial (opening a competing dealer too close to existing), dealer carrying too many competing lines under the same roof (affecting numbers or egos), wholesale or retail price structures, or financial. There are no indications that it was financial.
Whatever it was, Ray was pissed enough to start a company strictly to compete directly with Boston Whaler.
The boats were built in an industrial park, just up the road, in Ashland, Virginia, maybe 15 miles from his dealership.
Whether it’s selling T-shirts on the side of the road, or starting Macintosh computers from your garage, starting a business is difficult, risky, and I think, always impressive.
Starting a boat manufacturing business, in the highly competitive marine industry - and being successful, even more so.
You can look at this as a David and Goliath story, or a copycat story - either way, it’s impressive.
After losing his Whaler franchise, Ray set out to build a better boat, starting in 1985 with a 14, 16 and 18 footer - designed to go toe to toe with Whalers classic 13, 15 and 17 hulls.
There’s no mistaking it, they looked a lot alike!
Not only were the designs similar, the advertising campaigns were too!
Wahoo! also claimed to be unsinkable, pictured boats cut in half, and often took jabs at Whaler.
It wasn’t long before the years of lawsuits came…
There were some key differences in construction and design.
BW hulls are stringer-less, their unique Unibond process fills the entire hull with foam, bonding the top cap to the bottom hull. The foam is the actual structure.
The Wahoo (I’m done with the exclamation point, as my computer insists on capitalizing the next word..) design is more traditional, with structural stringers, surrounded by foam.
Some clever departures from BW’s methods included the insertion of perforated drain tubes in the foam, as well as a center channel down the keel, both designed to alleviate potential condensation build up, sending any moisture to the stern, where a brass transom plug could be removed for final drainage.
There was also an air cavity between the hull and top cap to aid in keeping internal foam dry.
Unlike Whaler, all Wahoos, even this 14 footer, had built in fuel tanks.
We’ve had several Wahoos over the years, and have to admit, right down to fit and finish, their great little boats.
Several other models were added to the line up over the years, all the way up to 26’ center consoles and walk-arounds.
After a good run at the market, and years of legal battles, Ray decided to retire in 1996, selling off the company's assets.
The Wahoo name and the molds were actually purchased by rival Brunswick, the parent company of Boston Whaler.
Some of the molds became future Robalo boats -which was part of Brunswick’s vast marine portfolio at the time. Robalo was later sold to Marine Products Corporation (Chaparral) in 2001.
That’s a lot of banter to discuss one 37 year old 14 footer…
Anyway this one’s a 1987, with original power and trailer.
-Self bailing hull
-Molded fiberglass console
-Comfortable folding seats
-Lots of storage including built in cooler
-Bimini top.
-Wrap Around Bow Rail
-Lowrance GPS Fishfinder
-48 Horsepower Johnson
She’s in good shape, everything works, she’ll be here soon, and she’ll be priced below anything else we’ve got - and probably just as fun as any Whaler… - EDIT SHE'S AVAILABLE FOR $5,500
Give us a call if want her!
YCM a different kind of boat dealer

Maritime 1480 Center Console
I absolutely love this boat.
We sold her last year to a gentleman named Tony down in Atlanta.
For health related reasons, he was only able to enjoy the boat twice, so we’re bringing her back to YCM under a brokering arrangement.
During our sea trials last year, I could not get over the fantastic ride quality of this 14 footer! This is seriously a very nice, unsinkable, quality built boat -and I would take her over a 130 Super Sport any day - there, I said it, and I’m not sorry!
Tony had a custom cover made, and took very good care of her during his brief ownership.
She had 80 hours on her last year, so they haven't changed more than an hour or so, and we’ll of course check everything out, put her back in the water, and make sure she’s ready for the next owner.
If you’re not familiar with Maritime, here is a link to their Facebook page…
We don’t have a price at this point, but give a call if you’re interested in discussing!
Below is our write- up from last year, it’s pretty good, if I do say so myself…
Just arriving today @ York County Marine!
While not a Whaler, Maritime is another YCM favorite!
Originally “Maritime Skiff”, they were founded by longtime Boston Whaler engineer and executive Paul Hureau, the man largely responsible for creating and overseeing Boston Whaler’s Commercial Products Division - Whaler’s military, law enforcement, and commercial boats.
While the bloodline to Boston Whaler has a lot to do with our interest, it’s also the quality of construction, simple “hose it off and go” practicality, and the overall uniqueness of the line that we love.
They’re a pretty rare find, and seldomly show up on the market, especially outside of New England.
The name was changed to simply “Maritime” in the mid 2000s to more accurately reflect the entire line.
Today Maritime is owned by New Hampshire boat builder Chislett’s Boating.
They’re quality and standards haven’t changed, but materials have.
All Maritime boats are built with modern composites, and have been 100% wood free since 2008 -that means never having to worry about replacing a rotten floor or transom!
You won't find a lot of frills on a Maritime, just basic, well constructed boats, designed primarily for fishing, or going to work, in fact they have a commercial division similar to that which Paul Hureau ran for Boston Whaler, with a line of boats produced specifically for law enforcement agencies, fire departments, commercial fishing, etc.
Maritime hulls are designed to be fuel-efficient, requiring lower horsepower motors, they’re shallow drafted, stable and dry riding. They’re all self bailing -oh, and like Whaler, they’re foam filled and unsinkable!
Maritime is not a high production company, in fact, most of their boats are made to order. They have only a handful of stocking dealers, all of which are in the North East, and non of which will have more than couple of boats on hand at any given time.
We bought ours from the original owner, a local, older gentleman, he ordered her from the factory and picked her up in New England.
She’s a 2019 Maritime 1480 Sport Skiff Center Console.
Suzuki 50 hp Fuel Injected Four Stroke - very low hours (we’ll verify exacts shortly) in brackish waters.
Bimini Top
Side Rails
Bench Cushions
Simrad GO5XSE GPS / Fishfinder
Galvanized Trailer
We were quoted $32,341 on a 2023 similarly specked 1480.
Ours is pretty much perfect, and available for $21k with trailer.
SPECS - 14’6” LOA, 6’ 9” Beam, 6” Draft (boat only), Dry Weight (before motor) 780 lbs, Capacity 4, Min HP 30, Max 60.
Give us a call if interested - any day and anytime between 10am and 7pm EST. 757-329-9979
All York County Marine boats are professionally delivered - anywhere in the United States, with international shipping possible.
All York County Marine boats are checked over by a marine mechanic prior to delivery
All York County Marine boats are thoroughly sea trialed prior to delivery.
YCM a different kind of boat dealer

More Sea Trials Yesterday...

So we’ve has this 180 Ventura longer than I care to disclose!
Somewhere way back in the archives of the YCM website (or FB page) there’s a story of bringing her down from Dark Harbor, Maine during inclement weather, dealing with tidal swings, ferry schedules and snow. -then having some minor minor fiberglass work done, followed by beautiful Glacier Green paint.
It was during the pandemic, the glass shop took forever, we couldn’t get parts, she didn’t come with a trailer, etc -and the demand for anything that floated was so strong, we just set her aside, concentrating on the boats that were ready for release.
While many people wanted her over the years, it was the patient persistence of Brian in Landenberg, PA that got us off our rear-ends to finally button her up.
The 180 Ventura is the same hull as the 180 Dauntless, but with a different top cap and interior -dual console vs center console.
These are big, wide, heavy 18 footers, they ride great in reasonable conditions, and make for excellent family/water-sports and inland fishing boats.